Evaluation Correlation Network 2012

This report presents the evaluation of the Correlation II project. Correlation II was a three year project funded by EAHC of the EU Health Programme and aimed to tackle health inequalities in Europe and to improve prevention, care and treatment services, targeting blood-borne infectious diseases (BBID), in particular Hepatitis C (HCV) and HIV/AIDS among vulnerable and high risk populations (e.g. drug users and young people at risk).

We will first give a short description of the Correlation project and its specific components and objectives. In the second chapter we will focus on the methodology and research questions of the evaluation. Chapters 3-6 tune in on the results from the evaluation, first on process aspects like project partners, events and synergy between and coordination and financial matters of the different project components (Chapter 3). After that we tune in on overall coordination matters (Chapter 4), dissemination (Chapter 5) and the results of the project in terms of deliverables, outcome and realised objectives (Chapter 6). Finally in Chapter 7 conclusions will be drawn.

Annexes with more detailed information can be found in the Supplement of the report.

Categorie: Hulpverlening en zelfhulp
Aanmaakdatum: 05-20-2021
Datum laatste update: 05-20-2021

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